Friday, November 16, 2012

WIP Craftsy baby quilts

As I promised in my last post I took some pictures of my works in progress blue&white baby quilts I'm making with the Craftsy block  of the month  blocks.
Quilt #1 (doesn't have a name yet) is sashed and the top is assembled. 

I finished piecing the squares for the backing on Wednesday night. I didn't have enough fabric left from the ones I used in the blocks so I had to improvise :)

Quilt #2 is in the to be sashed status. I laid out the blocks on the bed because of the lack of a design wall. :) Here's what they look like, with one of the helpers on the side:

I'm home today so I'll be working on the sashing (it'll be the same as #1) and then I have no idea what's gonna be on the back... I have some blue  squares cut for another quilt and I might just use those. Who knows? :)
Also, any suggestions for names? I am totally stuck and  have no imagination in naming my quilts. It's good I don't have any children, we're having a hard time even naming our kitties :)
Hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for visiting! Come again soon! :)

Linking up to
Thursday Think Tank

'Til we blog again! :)


  1. Both quilts are so pretty. I love the blue and white together. The contrast is gorgeous. The pieced backing could be the front! They'll both make wonderful baby quilts.

  2. They're beautiful - love the blocks and the patchwork backing! Look forward to seeing how you'll be quilting them.

  3. I like them both! Great job :) That top one with the "N" in the center reminds me of that game show where there were pictures and letters. You had to guess the word/phrase from the pictures and letters. Sorry,but the name will not come to me :( Have a lovely weekend yourself :)

  4. Still loving it Kati, like Farah I'm interested in knowing how you're going to quilt this one? :)

  5. Such great blocks! I really love the variety. Your selection of blues is wonderful, too- restful, but not boring. Interesting yet one fabric doesn't overpower. Very nice work.

  6. Those blocks are so pretty -fresh looking in the blues!

  7. So, so pretty :) I can't wait to see it all finished :)

  8. Your quilt looks beautiful! Those blue squares will look great for backing.
    I love all the different blue colors. Name it "Blu bird" from movie "Rio" ;).

  9. Very pretty, always loved blue and white.


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