I also ordered an EQ7 through the internet as a present from Fiance for my recent birthday. It was on sale on www.quiltinaday.com $138.66 and if I compare it with the deal that they offered me at Electric Quilt Co. to update my EQ5 to the EQ7 for $150.-, sorry folks, loyal or not, but Eleanor Burns still steals the deal. So when I was checking out I got a notice that if I buy more stuff for $11.34 I will get free shipping. I thought to myself a little more fabric can never hurt so I went for it and ordered some with blue flowers (Floral Diamond by Westminster Fibers)
and another one called Garden Tea Party by Audrey Jeanne Roberts in a beautiful green color.
They arrived last Friday and let me say it, they're gorgeous! They even threw a fat quarter in just for fun.
Today I got some time on my hands so I decided to wash them. Since I wash my fabrics before I use them it wasn't a big deal. So my method of pre-washing includes rinsing them first in somewhat hot water to see if there's any bleeding. First I rinsed the yellow, put it in a plastic bag, then came the blue, green, etc. When I finished I took the bag down to the washer and turned the machine on to run the water and started to load the machine. When I got to the bottom I was horrified. The yellow fabric was too hot and some of the blue print transferred over. I'm not sure if it will come out or not. If not then I'll try to wash the yellow fabric by itself with some Oxyclean, hope that works. The blue fabric is punished and will be washed separately.
So my conclusion for the future is:
When I rinse for pre-washing I'll use warm water instead of hot, and when I put two fabrics together after rinsing I'll make sure not to put the suspicious blue with lighter fabrics even if it didn't bleed in the water before.
My reasons for pre-washing:
- I like to know that the fabrics won't bleed after the done quilt is washed (i would hate to see my work ruined to be honest)
- Since I only use 100% cotton fabrics I like to pre-shrink them because sometimes they don't shrink the same way (e.g. regular cottons vs. flannels which shrink more)
- I like to get the chemicals off the fabrics before i start working with them
- I mostly make usable quilts which will be washed anyways so it's nice to know that the fabrics are colorfast
- To remove excess dyes
I have to say that I did not do any research on the subject, I can only talk from my experiences good ones, and like now, not really good ones.
Well, life happens even to the best of us :)) If worst comes to worst I can always cut it out, right?